Apogee Titles:
Kathleen Fraser's sixteen books include her recent chapbook of collaged wall pieces hi dde violeth i dde violet and an essay collection Translating the Unspeakable, Poetry and the Innovative Necessity. She has collaborated on two artist books — boundayr, with aquatints by Sam Francis, and from a text, with original paintings by Mary Ann Hayden.
Fraser currently teaches a Master's seminar at CCA focused on mixed genre writing and mixed media collaborations. During her teaching career at San Francisco State University she founded The American Poetry Archives and wrote/narrated the hour video "Women Working in Literature." After a Guggenheim took her to Italy in 1981, she established residence in Rome where she and husband A.K. Bierman live each spring, lecturing and translating. Fraser published and edited the ground-breaking journal HOW(ever) from 1983 to 1991, forwarding the dialogue between scholarship and innovative writing by women; in 1997 she initiated its more recent electronic version How2.
Read an excerpt from Discrete Categories Forced Into Coupling here.