About Apogee Press
When Apogee Press was founded in 1997, our goal was to publish innovative and experimental poets who were formally and culturally diverse and shared an original use of language. If that description was somewhat vague, we hoped it would allow us a certain latitude to define ourselves by the books we published. At this point, we feel that the books we’ve published do define us, though we also hope that each new book will broaden that definition.
In addition to the many poets with impressive publication histories we’ve published, we’re especially pleased by the list of poets who chose to publish their first full length book with us: Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Andrew Maxwell, Pattie McCarthy, Denise Newman, Truong Tran and Khaty Xiong.
Though he isn’t technically a part of our staff, we need to recognize our designer, Philip Krayna’s contribution to the press. The aesthetics of the physical books are important to us, and Philip has designed each of our books. Because of his sensitivity to each poet’s aesthetic, he has been as important as anyone—except, of course, the poets—in defining the press.
Apogee Press is not reading open submissions at this time.
Valerie Coulton
Edward Smallfield
Laura Walker
Editor Emeritus
Alice Jones
Web Design
Karen Biscopink
All of our books in print are available at Asterism.
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